Accreditation & Auditing

Additional Planning and Execution Services

Having established an effective planning and execution culture in your organisation, you have given your sales team members the “skills” required in terms of a consistent planning and execution terminology, methodology and data repository. However, the question remains whether the team members truly have the “will” to use these skills on a daily basis.
Our existing high-profile clients have found it very useful to engage professional and neutral expertise in two additional areas allied to Leadership in Planning development: Accreditation and Auditing. Read about our Accreditation and Auditing services below


The 4Sight SSOR and ADBO courses described under the “Training” menu item above will give you and your teams a powerful set of tools to produce professional and disciplined sales plans and to use these plans as the basis of all execution in the field. However, planning and execution methodology skills are a perishable commodity and will quickly fade if not used on a regular basis. Allow us to develop a programme to accredit your sales teams and sales leadership for their planning and execution skills immediately after attending a training class and also periodically afterwards to ensure that the skills are not lost.


Most companies carry out extensive audits on cost-centres such as expenses but have you considered auditing your top prospective accounts and opportunities? It is undoubtedly true that your top accounts and opportunities are critical to achieving sales success, both in the current financial year and in the future. But are you sure that these accounts and opportunities are really having due diligence applied in terms of planning and execution? Are the account or opportunity team genuinely using the planning and execution methodology that you have specified and has the business been properly qualified? Allow us to audit your “biggest bets” from a professional and neutral perspective and to produce a management report couched in the terminology and using the methodology that you have chosen during your Leadership in Planning development. Our current client-base has found this an enormously powerful tool.